Science Outreach Program in Mexico

My name is Cristina and I am part of the organizing team of a Science Outreach Program in Mexico called Clubes de Ciencia México.

Clubes de Ciencia Mexico is a growing non-profit organization of young scientists in the US and Mexico. Our mission is to expand access to high-quality science education, and to inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators in Mexico.

CdeCMx is currently receiving applications to become an instructor this Summer. We would be very grateful if you could pass along the info below (poster attached) to the relevant mailing lists at your university. We invite graduate students, postdoctoral students and researchers in all areas of STEM or entrepreneurs in science and technology to become instructors in our International Summer Outreach ProgramThe Clubes are weeklong intensive STEM courses aimed to reach a broad range of higher education students: from seniors in high school all the way to college level.

Over 690 graduate students and postdocs from Harvard, MIT, Berkeley and Stanford, among others, have taken part in our program. During the 2022 edition, we had over 60 instructors and over 300 students in 9 different cities in Mexico.

Volunteer instructors of leading scientific institutions design and implement the Clubes entirely. The instructors and organizers are comprised of faculty, researchers, postdocs and graduate students, both in the US and Mexico. While in Mexico, the instructors share their state-of-the-art research, as well as the path that they have taken throughout their career. We do this with the sole purpose of raising awareness of the value of higher education, as well as existing professional opportunities both in Mexico and elsewhere.

The instructor designs and proposes a weeklong, full-time workshop on the topic(s) of their choosing. The workshops or Club will be held this summer in Mexico in 9 different cities. Travel expenses from the US, accommodation, meals, and materials for the workshops will be provided by the program.

The Instructor application deadline is February 23th 2023. 

Please visit us at to find detailed information on how to apply as an instructor to the program.

Thank you so much for your help and please let me know if you have questions.

Cristina Rincón