Doctoral Majors and Minors

Major Program of Study

The major is a program of advanced study, typically consisting of 6 to 7 graduate subjects, which gives the candidate both depth and breadth in their research field, approved by the student’s thesis committee and the Graduate Officer. Examples of the major areas of some current students are: Biomedical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Design of Mechanical Products, Dynamical Systems, Interfacial Engineering, Materials, Nano- engineering, Ocean Acoustics, Renewable Energy & Water, and Robotics. The choice of area should be discussed with the Graduate Officer.

The set of major subjects should bring candidates to the state of the art in their chosen field, insofar as that is possible via coursework. Candidates must satisfy their Doctoral Committee and the Graduate Officer that their proposed program meets this intent. The major represents the principal component of the candidate’s coursework.

Minor Program of Study

The minor is a program of advanced study that develops competence in an area different from the candidate’s principal field of interest. Three subjects (not less than 24 units) must be taken in a coherent field different from the major. These subjects may be taken inside or outside the Department.

If the minor is in an area of mechanical engineering or in mathematics, all three subjects must be at the graduate-level. In other fields, some undergraduate subject content may be acceptable, depending on the remoteness of the field from mechanical engineering and on the prerequisites required for graduate subjects.

Students who have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a field distinctly different from mechanical engineering may receive complete or partial credit toward the minor. With this exception, all minor subjects must be taken while the student is registered in graduate school.

The minor program must be approved in advance by the student’s thesis committee and by the Graduate Officer, who places on file a record of the anticipated program as soon as it is formulated. Any subsequent modifications must have the Graduate Officer’s approval. A minimum grade point average of 3.5 must be attained for the subjects that comprise the minor.