Thesis Supervisors
How to Find a Thesis Supervisor if You Have Independent Funding
Students who have fellowships or are privately funded need to associate themselves with a faculty member who will supervise their thesis research. They should choose a supervisor in much the same way as another student would try to secure an RA, identifying prospective faculty members and checking whether there are projects they can work on. Research requires money, and even though these students require no salary from the Department, they are well advised to find a supervisor who has some funding for the intended work. Although their obligations to the research are not the same as those of an RA, in practice they end up working just as hard in order to finish their theses in a reasonable time. It is usually a good idea to associate with a supervisor as soon as possible after arrival at MIT. The student then becomes part of a research group, gets a desk to work at, and is in a position to get advice and learn from his/her supervisor and from the more experienced students in the research group.
Students with Advisors Outside the MechE Department
A student whose research advisor is not a member of the Mechanical Engineering Department, must also choose an academic advisor from within the MechE Department. This should be arranged in consultation with the research advisor and should be in place before the start of the student’s second semester at MIT. The academic advisor could, for example, be the thesis reader for a Masters student and the thesis committee chair for a PhD student. S/he can provide guidance on taking classes, preparing for the doctoral qualifying examination, changes in Department policies, etc.